Frequently asked questions

What has changed, and how does this affect me?
Our website has always used cookies to create the most secure and effective website for you. As part of a change in legislation, all websites are now required to provide additional information on what cookies are, how they are used and what benefits they bring. These changes will not affect the way in which you currently use our website.

Do I need to accept cookies?
The current changes to our website simply explain what cookies are, how we use them and what benefits they bring. You are not currently required to do anything, other than read our Cookie Policy to understand these changes.

Can cookies allow others access to my computer's hard drive?
The cookies we use cannot look into your computer, smart phone or web-enabled device and obtain information about you or your family or read any material kept on your hard drive.

If I use a public computer, will someone be able to get my details from the cookies?
Our cookies cannot be used by anyone else who has access to the computer to find out anything about you, other than the fact that someone using the computer may have visited a certain website.

More information about cookies can be found on